R emembering all the times that changed your life,
A dmiring the scenes you see everyday,
N ever forgetting what brought you here,
D epicting life as you see it,
O ffering a point of view,
M aking a statement,
T aking chances,
H aving a dream,
O ccasionally remembering all the little things in life,
U sing your heart, soul, and mind,
G rowing up,
H olding on even when it's easier to let go,
T aking life as it comes,
S aving a moment with a few words
A dmiring the scenes you see everyday,
N ever forgetting what brought you here,
D epicting life as you see it,
O ffering a point of view,
M aking a statement,
T aking chances,
H aving a dream,
O ccasionally remembering all the little things in life,
U sing your heart, soul, and mind,
G rowing up,
H olding on even when it's easier to let go,
T aking life as it comes,
S aving a moment with a few words