Life. Beauty. Art.

In a single instant there has never been a more beautiful art than life.

Warning! As Per Your Request

As per your request here is my disclosure. The content of this page is mainly fictional. Read at your own risk. Most of theses stories are not my own memories but merely the playthings of my imagination. Don't you wish you knew which one's were true? Thanks!
Sincerely The Author

Lend Me Your Eyes

Everyone lives but not everyone is alive. Everyone is searching for something. Everyone loves, dreams, hopes, and dies. Lend me your eyes.


Second Best

"Why don't you ever call me?" She asked.
"I'm busy honey."
"You text me but you never call."
"Texting is easier."
"No. You call her." He simply looked at her, she took a step back away from the intensity of his gaze.
"And?" He saw the tears in her eyes but it meant nothing. Maybe they would have made some impact if she hadn't been complaining in his eyes.
"You're my boyfriend." The possession in her voice only irritated him more.
"She's my best friend, and the only reason you're my girlfriend is because she's gone. You're second best compared to her. And the best compared to everyone else."
"You're an ass."
"You're a bitch. I like you but she's better."
"Then why are you with me? If I'm such a bitch."
"Because I like you when you're not complaining. When you're cool."
"You mean when I let you do what you want?"
"When you're not bitching and moaning about some rumor about us.There are always going to be rumors, and they are always wrong. She tried to tell you. You just called her crazy."
"She texts you everyday!"
"I text her first."
"What the fuck?" She screamed. "What the fuck?"
"She's my best friend."
"What am I?"
"Second best."
"That's it?"
"Bye." Walking away, she cried, and waited for him to say something. When she turned back he was gone. She only cried harder. Every time she saw him it hurt, every time he saw her, he thought about the irl he breathed for and how it wasn't the girl who walked away.

A Love Twisted Cruelly

The shy knock was deafening, for it held desperately onto the disappointed air. The printed letter was delivered over the threshold. A unformed ending, the ink made of nothing but lies and both women knew it. One of which wanted nothing more than to forget, while the other wanted nothing more than to remember. The girl's tears fell to wash away the shame. The older woman longed to reach out and hold the broken, weary, girl before her, and cry along with her, to say sorry for what was being done, what had to be done, and above all what had to happen.A deed done out of love, the steep price was going to be paid in full. This girl before her asked her for nothing but her help. Yet out of shame, desperation and disappointment she was turned away  to walk into the fading rain. To hope justice would be done for this lovely girl; one silent tear fell for the girl who had been treated as a daughter. The typed words meant everything, but the feelings behind them were hallow and were in fact nothing, a sham, an act to please the world. The ever present audience. The young woman, once off the steps looked over her shoulder for the briefest moment, her face was proud even as te tears mingled with the rain sliding down her cheek. She smiled sadly, and raised her hand in a final farewell. She turned again to walk away from a home that still loved her, a home she still loved. A place the world demanded to turn out the daughter they'd taken in. Holding her head up high she walked on to take on the world at it's worst. She dared the world to stop her.

I Pray...

A smile for the world to see
The sunshine a simple fantasy
A constant rain washes the pain away
All the while I pray
For nothing
I dream of an escape
From my ill twisted fate
Of broken promises
And monster wearing human faces
The war I wage is silent
Denial, rebellion, and pain
Somehow my heart stays intact
As the shell is ripped away
Each new slit a thrilling victory, a new promise made
One day the end will come
How I wish it were today
But somehow I hold back
To last a little longer
Why? I ask myself
But I don't know
Each breath
A painful blow
When will it end?
This pain?
When I am dead?
When you're with me.

What We Were

Do you remember?
Do you remember someone like me?
Do you remember me?

From all those years ago,
When once upon a time meant happily ever after,
When we were friends,
When that meant forever,
When life was simple,
We were learning who we were,
Becoming who we are,
What chances we dared to take,
When mistakes were all we seemed to make.

When we were young,
Do you remember me?
We were friends,
Until the end.

You had a smile to light the town,
I had everything that mattered,
I had friends like you,
We were a family,
Split apart,
Forced to Depart.

We tried to hold on,
To last to the end,
But we faded away,
Look at what we were!