Life. Beauty. Art.

In a single instant there has never been a more beautiful art than life.

Warning! As Per Your Request

As per your request here is my disclosure. The content of this page is mainly fictional. Read at your own risk. Most of theses stories are not my own memories but merely the playthings of my imagination. Don't you wish you knew which one's were true? Thanks!
Sincerely The Author

Lend Me Your Eyes

Everyone lives but not everyone is alive. Everyone is searching for something. Everyone loves, dreams, hopes, and dies. Lend me your eyes.


Happy Anniversary!

Well belated... It's been three years here on this blog. And yeah I know some years have had less updates than others but I'm trying. And yeah the fan base hasn't increased. But we're working on that right? For instance some one from Germany  found my blog! I hope they liked it and I hope they'll come back. I hope you do too! I may not be funny or goofy or incredibly deep. But I do have a very singular way of looking at the world. I'll share it with you if you would like to hear it. If you keep coming back. You never know I might just surprise you.


Surviving the Monsters

WARNING Mature Content (Violent Innuendos)

She never asked "Why me?". She looked him in the face, and refused to back down. As if he was just a child who done wrong. As if all it took was a few words. His arrogance turned to confusion and then again into anger. He saw no fear in her eyes. The rush he felt from the power of fear did not exist. Who was she to deny him that power?
"You won't shoot me." Her voice was calm and confident, her tone reminded him of his aunt when she spoke to a bad puppy, stern but gentle.
"Don't talk down to me!" He fumed closing his  eyes and clenching his free hand. He could feel his anger go through is body with each heart beat, and he felt the power in his rage.
"Then don't look down on me." And then the rage was gone.
"I should kill you right now." He wouldn't meet her gaze he stared at the gun in his hand instead of her. She waited, she didn't flinch or run.
"You can't. You won't" She knew to him it sounded confident but inside she was wondering why she was betting her life on it.
"Why the hell not?"
" You don't see fear in my eyes. You see pity. You won't look at me. You have my life in your hands but you don't have power over me. If it ended now the last thing I would know of this world is pain and pity. It will haunt you to see empty eyes and feel the pity I have for you. Who are you to be feared?"
"I am the one with the gun lady!"
"I am not afraid of death. Are you?" She saw him blink at the question and that was enough for her to know he did.
"Shut up."
"Death is not the scariest thing in this world. I die and all the scary things go away, I don't have to be here anymore." She couldn't help but double over when his fist met her stomach. The air was gone from her lungs, but she wasn't done yet.
"You haven't seen scary." She wasn't done yet no matter what he thought.
"You are not a monster. You may have done some terrible things, but you are still a man."
"You're stupid."
"You think so?"
"You won't shut the hell up!" She saw the next hit coming and the next. "You aren't afraid to die? I"ll make you beg for the bullet. You're going to want to die. And then you will."
He was brutal and merciless in his effort to hurt her. He reveled in her screams and held her down to witness his victory. He conquered her body but when he pulled her broken body up to look into her eyes he saw nothing. She gave no hint to how she felt no anger, fear, or even pity. There was only a fire that burned his soul. He had never felt regret until this moment. Even when she cried out she was strong. She looked away when she couldn't move but she didn't cry. She called out for help and screamed but no one came. He could barely see the green of her eyes they were swollen shut and her pretty lips were bleeding. Her nose was too. Her collar bone and wrist snapped easily and that wasn't even the half of it.
"I will survive." He wouldn't win, she owed that to herself. "You think you're the first? You think you're the worst. I was wrong you are a monster but even monsters need to be afraid of the dark." He let go of her hair and watched her body collapse, her skull bounce of the ground. Then he couldn't stop running until he was safe. From what he didn't know. The light in her eyes had been strength, it scared him. But what scared him more was that the pity was gone. He was a monster. He deserved to die. But death was so easy so final. She was right again death ended the suffering.
Slowly she propped herself up on her good wrist, and wrapped herself up in the jacket he had torn off of her. It smelled of Dean, he would be home worried. He didn't like her working here downtown but sometimes you just don't have a choice when you're a grad student. The soldier that Dean was, he always wanted to protect her, and knowing that he failed would hurt him. But at least she was alive. She could get through everything else because she survived.
Dean watched over her as she slept in the hospital. She had told him what had happened and he cried with her holding her hand all the while. He stepped out of the room and listened to the phone line ring until an old friend picked up. He told the same story she had told the cops earlier, only this enforcer followed a different set of laws.
The next morning she woke up to Dean watching the news, and there was a pitiful creature made to be an example by the monsters.


The Huntsman and His Fair Maiden Chapter One

She opened her eyes to see the world around her. Hidden from the skies by a ceiling of emerald leaves on the trees. Her bed was on the softest moss in the enclosed meadow. The sweet perfume of dew and fresh flowers was better than any stuffy cold stone room filled with manipulated flowers with more beauty than fragrance. Her pillow that she slept on was better than any goose down pillow and it was the arm of her lover. He heard her sigh, a sigh of contentment and yet sadness. They both knew that this could not last. This happiness, there was just too much separating them. They were lovers, but he knew it was not true love, not eternal love. Their's could not with stand the age of time and the struggles of hardship. He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. It was doom, that made their love beautiful.
"We must get you back m'Lady." She felt his deep voice against her hair.
"Hush... Not yet." Yet she sat up anyway. Her ebony hair felt as soft as silk as he ran his hands through it, and as he did she leaned into his other hand that cupped her chin. How she wished this moment could last forever. He felt her eyes on him as he stood up and pulled on his leather pants and vest, those of a hunter.When he sat back down to dawn his boots she took them from him, and completed the lowly task herself. When she looked up to meet his eyes, she saw the love in his eyes. He took her hands and as he stood up he pulled her up with him. He tied her corset around her, and slipped the cool silk skirts over her skin. Until at last she no longer looked like a lover but that of a princess. He wrapped his own cloak around her, his quiet way of telling her he cared. Her snow white hand held his tan calloused one as they walked to where the horses were tethered. As they rode back to their prison of lies they enjoyed the sun and the taste of adventure. As her own mare thundered into the stable she let out a rebel yell of victory. He followed closely behind laughing.

Scott and Lara: Part One

Humming to himself, Scott sat at the edge of the creek. The water trickled along on its journey to its end. Like we all are in our own way. His brown hair held sweet curls, his muddy brown eyes a certain sparkle, and he stood alone in a crowd. With his strange quiet way he was a black sheep in his family, but they loved him. They loved the way he was a gentleman and how he stood by watching the world seeing it in all his beauty. He never said much but when he did you listened. That day he was humming songs he remembered hearing while growing up, songs of love, war, sacrifices and happy endings. Getting up he walked to school, just like he did every day. Passing by the same places he saw every day of his life, he saw all the differences everyone else missed. He noticed the same girl trapped inside herself. Did she know how she hid from herself?  Yet even as she was caged she was still true to herself with her kindness and he saw it everyday as she walked in front of him on the walk to school surrounded by friends. She stood apart in the crowd of people as if she were alone. As if only she knew what it meant to truly be a part of something. He never said anything to her he just trailed behind her and her friends and prayed the walk would be over soon. He dreamed of the day when he would finally meet her, and what he would say to her when they actually spoke. They never had classes together not in the last two years and not now in his senior year. Her friends were loving and caring yet they were not close. They seemed to be held together by her. They wouldn't know each other or even like each other if it weren't for her. She brought out the best in all of them. And he admired her for that fact.
She knew he was there. She always did. He was her white knight in shining armour. He just didn't know it. He was always there and she had created a man to match the figure behind her. She refused to talk to him in order to keep her dream alive. To keep her one escape in tact. Her friends talked about him and she had heard the rumors about him, and each time they only confirmed her own imagination. She feared the time was coming when her knight would meet the man himself and she was starting to believe he wouldn't disappoint. Since she was a freshman he had followed the same pattern, the same routine every morning. Every morning at the same time she walked past him sitting by the creek bed. She dreamed of what they might say or how they might act. He was so different from every one else she knew. He was so different from any other boy she had liked, dated, or even known. He drove girls home and walked them to their door. He carried paper backs in his back pocket. Had a football at hand and a smile on his face. He was considerate and kind. But he was a complete ass when situation dictated it. As far as she knew he had no flaws. He was well liked you might even say he was popular. Though no one ever considered him part of the 'in' crowd he was just well liked by just about every one. Except by what her mamma would call trash but they never really liked any one. Especially themselves. Life for her was within the walls of her high school. But she knew he dreamed of more. You could see it in his eyes. You could see it in how he moved, and talked. There was nothing he wanted more than to be out. Out of the confining life he had lived for the last eighteen years. She just knew it. And one of these days she was going to bite the bullet and not let life pass her by. She was going to say something to him. She just hoped she wouldn't be too late. Every morning they each had the same internal debate and every afternoon they were left to ponder it some more. Each night they asked the same question.