Life. Beauty. Art.

In a single instant there has never been a more beautiful art than life.

Warning! As Per Your Request

As per your request here is my disclosure. The content of this page is mainly fictional. Read at your own risk. Most of theses stories are not my own memories but merely the playthings of my imagination. Don't you wish you knew which one's were true? Thanks!
Sincerely The Author

Lend Me Your Eyes

Everyone lives but not everyone is alive. Everyone is searching for something. Everyone loves, dreams, hopes, and dies. Lend me your eyes.



Walking to my high school, I had seen hell play out before me. I had seen death in the suicide of a friend, I saw drama played out in sex scandals of my fellow students. And I saw lives fall apart because they'd fallen into the seductive clutches of drugs. I never thought I would have had to deal with it first hand. It hadn't started on the first day of school, nor did it start with a new student. He was one man, he had seen me fall in and out of love, he had seen me cry and laugh, and he had been the cause of it all. Because one day he noticed me. He wasn't the only one, it was difficult not to notice me. I had made sure of that. If I wore jeans, I needed a hanger, and to be lying on my bed to zip them up. If I wore a skirt, I was lucky to get away with it. My shirts were either tight or they exposed more than they probably should have.  He was the true meaning of player, except maybe that one girl could make all of the difference to him, and I had planned to be that chick. I had told you how it hadn't started but now I suppose you would like to know how it did. Of course it started in band. Not at band camp of course, or the football games, and definatley not in class. No this story started in the instrumant storage room. A room almost as infamous as the the drama dressing rooms. He was one of those percussionists, but then again so was I. He caught me before I had started my headlong sprint to class, by my hair. For a long time my hair had always been short, But then it was very long, it could tickle the small of my back and the boys always liked that.
He pulled my hair, and Lord I love that. Ha I promise you I'm not easy. It's just I don't bother to hide. I'll let you know when I'm happy. But at that moment I didn't know who was pulling my hair and I was mad. I had to get to class. I didn't have time for this shit. I turned around to face  him and I decided I would make time for him. "Yeah?" I asked him.
"Where are you going?" He asked in return.
"I'm not going anywhere, if you keep pulling my hair." He smiled.
"Is that a promise?" I couldn't help but laugh.
"You bet." He laughed back. I love a good time. And he would be a good time. The thought had barely fluttered through my head when he dragged me in for a kiss. And Lord was that boy a great kisser! I was up against the instrument lockers before I could register what was actually happening. When the late bell rang he stepped back and set me down on my feet.
"After school?" He asked before walking away. Well it looks like I won't be making it to band practice oh well. Thank God we had been friends for years. I knew he could be impulsive but I never expected him to make a move. We had done our best to avoid this. To ignore all the sexual tension that was split between us. It wasn't as if we never discussed it, we just never acted on it. No matter how much we wanted to. We wouldn't be a sex scandal I make certain of that. I am more discreet than that, I'd make sure it stayed quiet. I hate drama and I know he does but he can't help but cause it. People are just fascinated with him. It's just how he is. He walks into a room and your perception is filled with him. Oh Lord we were Trouble


That is the Question

I don't know anymore we met in college. He's awesome. I love him but...... I could never be truly happy. But with him I could live the life I want. I could stay at home cook large meals and read books all day. I could have the house I want. Yet I wouldn't have children running around because he doesn't want children. I would feel uncomplete. I could have almost everything I want. But the Love I need to be completetly happy isn't there. So where does that leave me to go. A life with out worry but with out the thing I want the most and with out love. Or a life with security, a sound home and some one who will take care of me? Where do I go? He would take care of me, he loves me. Someone else could make me so much happier. I can think of people who could make me happier. I could have the children I want but the security wouldn't be there. Working might be an option but it would probably be manditory. I could love some one else whole heartedly. But not him, I try so hard to make him happy, but he doesn't do the same for me. How can I let hm go? How can I think of leaving? I try to fancy myself the type of girl who would marry for love but, at this point in time I have doubts. Maybe life for girls hasn't changed much in 200 years at least not for me.


High Heels

Even then as I looked at my beautiful high heel shoes, I could not fathom what had just accured. The slick black heels were professional yet completely gorgeous. Some how I had  walked through the door and left the world behind. Our clothes were scattered across the floor in our pursuit of the bed his shoes managed to get to the floor and his socks too. But my shoes were forgotten on my feet. All passion not forotten, it consumed us in the infinate amount of time where we forgot my gorgeous shoes. Now as his chest rises and falls, I kick off my shoes and he drew me closer and I couldn't stop looking I was unable to let him out of my sight. Or even out of my reach, I couldn't bear to let him go. Again we were drawn back to a world only we can reach, my husband and me. I will never let him go. Consumed by his love.

Just Another Day

Here I was with my best friend enjoying the emotions sweeping over me, but they were not in any way over whelming. I embraced these feelings gladly. We both loved cars, played Hallo and loved pokemon. I read books and he watched t.v. he was my best friend and I love him. I had known him since I was 15 and he was 16, ten years later and I still loved him. There I was wrapped in his white sheets with him breathing next to me staring, loving, caring. Whispers could not be heard in the next room over but she was in a heaven of her own and could care less, probably being whispered to as well. The kisses given were quick, light and unforgettable. I looked up and smiled at him almost unable to look away. Yet look away I did, I crawled to the foot of the bed the sheet slliding only to be pulled closer to my chest draping around my shoulders. As I reached I flicked the t.v. on and grabed the hand sets, as he got ready to beat my ass at another round of Hallo. He pulled me closer. It was a habit I guess, pulling out those controlers. And enter a world of slaughter. A place where we love and enjoy being love. As he holds me in his arms with thse sheets wrapped close it's hard to forget I'm loved and by him.His arms around me with our controlers one in front of the other the game begins. And so does the rest of our lives.

What Would You Do Without Me? Part One

Adelle has the right outlook on life. She loves people and can't help but trust them, even if they if they have everything against them. She loves life, and loves to smile. Her laugh never fails to make you smile. Adelle is always curious, she always has a question for you, and they don't always make sense to you. Yet they make perfect sense to her. Even though we don't see eye to eye on life, her internal sun shines through my clouds, and leaves me thinking that life isn't so bad. Adelle has common sense and she thinks before she speaks. She is cautious but yet lives life to the fullest. She hates being alone. She is as loyal as a golden retriever, and she cares about her friends.She can act like an idiot, and tease every boy she sees, but you can't help but understand that that's how Adelle is. Her blond hair reaches past her shoulders and half way down her back, and her brown understanding eyes, convey how much she cares about you. Her high cheek bones show the elegance that still exists in the world, her full lips curve into a smile that can melts ones fears away. Her 5.3 height adds to her charisma. We are not alike. She brings light to my dark mind. My laughter sounds dead compared to the bells that ring when she laughs. Her smile is easily found while mine is lost to most of the world. I tower over her at 5.6 my red hair is not vibrant and has no sheen, it is as dull as the clay below this grass. My green eyes are dead behind the color of life. I speak before I think, I live life without thinking it through. I am lost where she is found. My sanity is in question at times where her lack of is billed as being Adelle. She is quick to give her heart away and reluctant to take it back. Where I am hesitant and easily swayed. She has Shane where I have Will. We are polar opposites yet the same. We both come to each other with questions and we both seek advice from one another. We rely on each other more than you could imagine. I can calm her down with a few quick words, and she can make me smile with just the smallest of looks. She gets lost in the beauty of life. I am bewildered at the disgrace of life. We both love the same movies, books, artwork, and friends. That makes us the same yet very different in this life. She wants to be in the army to protect, serve, and love our country. I am the one who has no clue what I'm going to do. She will end up happy in a world no one thought possible, I will be miserable everywhere I wander. That is unless she is still there to smile with me. Really she is more like my sister than anything else and yet she is far from. She never annoys me like other people with her energy do. Despite all our differences there is something out there that has brought us together.

Just Another Fan Fiction - Surviving Beyond Living

Dear Readers
Over the years thousands of people have produced multiple Harry Potter Fan Fictions. I have decided to count myself among their numbers. You will be able to find My Fan Fiction "Surviving Beyond Living" on My Pages ( when it has been edited and ironed out to my satisfaction) or on my other blog dedicated solely to the Fan Fiction. My main character, Kass Darcie Cambers, she is a Hufflepuff. My fascination with the Hogwarts House began when I was placed there during my Pottermore Sorting. So there you go. I'll probably be filling up this page with random musings for this novella, or perhaps even a novel. On a similar note I will be publishing older random pieces, from a different time in my life. When there were people I could actually share my stories with. Challenge Three! Pick out which stories are my random older pieces! Let me know which ones are your guesses in your comments. Maybe this is my year! You know! Maybe some one will appreciate this blog as much as I do. So Some Random Thoughts Welcome to the World of Harry Potter! Are you ready?
With Love Your Unfazed Author
P.S. The Badger's cute isn't he? I found him online! He wasn't of my creation but I sure wish he was!
P.P. S. This is the one. Freeze Ray. Stops Time. Tell Your friends. - Dr. Horrible

Her Curse

She was a piece of artwork. Her skin was so soft, yet so strong. At first I wasn't sure about her. Who was she to act like that? Like she owned the world. And then I spent a few hours with her, just getting to know her. We talked over what I can't remember now, but it was after that that I understood. She listened, she talked, she laughed, and she wrapped her spell around me I couldn't help but fall into inner chaos. I fell in love with her and I don't know why. It made no sense, none at all. We had a lot in common. Now I see that's just how she is, she reads you and she knows you. In those first few minutes in knowing her she reads into your soul and tells you exactly what you want to hear. She shows you the part of herself that you could love. She's simple enough, her wants were simple, her needs were few, but she was extraordinary. She looked at me and I saw myself as she did. I saw myself as some one worth wanting. She looked at me and saw that I was worth something even when I couldn't see it in myself.  She smiled and I saw true joy, joy that existed because of me. Some how I made her happy, with only a few words. It was never an act, I see that now, its just how she was. She never made you love her. You just saw that she accepted you wholly and loved you for who you were. There in lied her power, she loved you. Like no one ever had before. Like no one ever would again. It was such an innocent simple thing this love. It was her pursuit to happiness. And all I had to do was love her, cherish her, and not abuse her. All I had to do was gain her trust and keep it. All any of us ever had to do was remember that she was human. Yet its that very simple fact we can hardly remember. We see how she saw every other person and we see that she loved them just as she loved us, no different. She loved. How we were in love with her meant nothing, for she simple loved us. Perhaps there had been some one some where that had truly gained her heart, body and soul, but some where along the lines it had been crushed and she was left with broken dreams and life's goal that led no where, for her. She had the power to love but not a heart to give away. She wanted to be happy but she didn't have the key. She had her pick of men and we all loved her, but it was not the one she wanted. I'll never know who he was but if I had I would kill him. Because he deserved to die for hurting her like that. But it was her gift to have men fall in love with her but it was her curse to never let them in.