Life. Beauty. Art.

In a single instant there has never been a more beautiful art than life.

Warning! As Per Your Request

As per your request here is my disclosure. The content of this page is mainly fictional. Read at your own risk. Most of theses stories are not my own memories but merely the playthings of my imagination. Don't you wish you knew which one's were true? Thanks!
Sincerely The Author

Lend Me Your Eyes

Everyone lives but not everyone is alive. Everyone is searching for something. Everyone loves, dreams, hopes, and dies. Lend me your eyes.



She stood tall, her long hair twirled around her, the colours rippling with each gust of wind. Her deep brown eyes stared down at the scene before her, they seemed to be burning with an intensity too similar to actual flames to be any sort comfort, yet it was her presence that indeed brought comfort. Her lips held a sad smile, as she looked at the people that surrounded her. White scars covered her tanned skin, they ringed around her neck into a collar that she seemed to bare proudly, a medal of honour of sorts, they looked as if they had been clawed into her skin. They reached down her neck until they laced her collarbones. It was likewise around her wrists. Her dress too was dragged with the wind, the black stood out against the scene around her. Jewelry could not be seen. When she finally moved from her stance, she moved with an unmatched grace, speed and strength. As she moved her bare feet avoided the soil that seemed to bleed, she avoided all the people that had already fallen. Her eyes were locked on him. He stood, feet apart, shoulders squared, his face tired. His eyes stared at her in wonder. As she ran to him, time slowed for the both of them. Everything he'd been through, instantly went through his mind, everything she had to give up was remembered. All the minutes spent waiting for this moment, all the times she had pictured this one event, all the feeling she thought she would've had, were no comparison to what she was actually feeling. A smile of triumph spread across her lips. Around her lay the destruction of death, before her stood a pawn of the men who asked for nothing but war. He was the best. As she raced near, she began to slow, when she came to a stop before him, he looked down and just smiled. She was the one to save him, save him from all he'd done. Every drop of blood he had ever spilled would be wiped away with this moment. She would release him from the destruction he was trained to create, and he was glad of it. He would be free of himself, and others would be free of him. She reached out to touch him, her hand rested gently on his face.
"What have you done to deserve this?" she asked her voice was filled with everything she felt, with the months, days, seconds, she wasted thinking of him. Only in his head could he actually answer. Nothing. He thought, if he could live his life over, he would not change a thing. Everything he had done brought him there, to that moment, and that moment was all that mattered. It was moments like that, that made a life worth living. That made everything he'd done bearable. "If you let everything you've done destroy you, there will be nothing left for me." Her face changed from a smile, to a searching stare, her eyes overflowed with worry. His face still unchanged, as he thought through the words she'd spoken. Slowly a smile slid across his face, a silent solitary tear fell down her face as she too smiled. Death surrounded them, him being the cause, but it didn't seem to matter. She forgave him and that was all that mattered. He knew he would have to face the repercussion eventually. Fate would see to that. But she would find a way to fight fate, she had proven that by just being before him. Fate had promised him no one would ever love him, and she did. Fate said he would be nothing, if he was not asked to destroy. And yet here she was offering him everything. She too had seen enough of destruction, she had been the cause enough times but she had changed on her own. She walked away first she walked away from him, she walked away for him. She surrendered to him, and he let her walk away. He never thought she would come back. Not without it being his dying breaths. And he wasn't on his knees yet. Her hand was still on his face, the sun was beating down over head, and there they stood. They were alive against the odds, she loved him against all the odds. I don't deserve her, he thought, looking down at her. What did I do to deserve her?
"It's time we got out of here." she said, her smile widened. He kissed her hand and held it in his own. As she turned to walk away, she didn't let go. He thought that moment could have lasted forever. This moment of happiness, but it didn't. He saw it happen too late. There was nothing he could have done. One minute she was standing, the next she was on her knees. He looked around, until he saw the man responsible. He caught her before she fell completely, she looked at him and smiled, a knowing smile. Her eyes were watery, her skin slowly paled. Happiness did exist, but not for him. She was proof of that, he had for the briefest moments before she was gone. He had seen the life they could of had. She saw the life she did have. She looked at him and saw the tears he didn't realize were running down his face. She saw the way he regretted all the horrible things he'd done, she saw the love in his eyes. Gently he picked her up in his arms and carried her away from all the other bodies until they were alone. He sat down still holding her in his arms, They sat there for hours, as she slowly disappeared. When the hours faded, when she was gone. He couldn't believe it. He gently laid her on the ground, he stood up looked once more at her, and he walked away. He knew what he was going to do, what he had to do. He did look back, and then he was gone.