Life. Beauty. Art.

In a single instant there has never been a more beautiful art than life.

Warning! As Per Your Request

As per your request here is my disclosure. The content of this page is mainly fictional. Read at your own risk. Most of theses stories are not my own memories but merely the playthings of my imagination. Don't you wish you knew which one's were true? Thanks!
Sincerely The Author

Lend Me Your Eyes

Everyone lives but not everyone is alive. Everyone is searching for something. Everyone loves, dreams, hopes, and dies. Lend me your eyes.


Challenge Two!

Choose an inanimate object to tell a story. For example a child's toy could tell an event. Or a dress could tell you about a dance. Are you up for the challenge? We'll see. The only way to know is to accept.

Your Adventurous Author


Here's A Challenge! Challenge One

Dear Reader,
Here is a challenge for you. Are you ready?

Challenge: A woman's abusive husband just died. You can't express that her husband was abusive or has just died. She is looking out a window. Write about it. Leave your story in the comments! Lets share. I's amazing to see what all different ideas have for the same challenge.

Do you accept?

Sincerely Me


The Things We Say When We are Young

When we are young we say many things. Some are quite intelligent despite our age. Some are quite silly. :) We say many things. We talk of our futures the ones we hoope to have. We talk of our past of what we remember. We design our houses, our husbands, our kids. We create our lives inside of our owns heads. We share these thoughts with our girlfriends. We talk of the apartments we'd share. The colleges we go to. We share everything. Every secret and every thought.
Then we grow up. We drift apart. We lose touch. Our creativity is lost on reality. We forget the carelessness we once shared. Dream with me once more. Call me one more time. Share with me on what we hope to accomplish. Instead of the creativity we once shared we will share our view of reality. This is our life.
Once upon a time we expressed our selves through stories. Now you express yourself with yourself. Am I still niave to write my stories? To dream of what could have been? Is that so bad? I miss the times we shared. The late night. The chocolate, the laughs, the friendship, it all. I miss you. Can you believe how far we have come? Can you believe the distance we've drifted apart? Us? The people who were suppose to make it to the end. That is us. We are capable of it. We can do it. Now let's try. Let's really try. I have an idea. And I'll share it with you if you would just call me.


What You Thought was Forever

What you thought was forever
Was never more
Than a moment suspended in time
The dreams you desccribed
Can never hope to apply
The mistakes you make
The hearts you break
Could never in a million years heal your own
Broken before you realized
That the future you dreamed of was gone
You learned that love is never
But that's not right
Love may at times be
or Fleeting
But it still may be true
You can always trust me when I say
I love you.
If ever there was a more perfect truth spoken
then the words
I love you
Let them be forgotten
and Let us hope
for Our Happily Ever After


Yet.... I Still Love You...

Sitting on my porch I remembered all the things that had happened here. I remembered all the conversations we had shared, I remembered the touches, the sounds, the sights. I remembered everything. I remembered how happy I had been then. At the beginning and even toward the end. I remembered everything being good even when it was bad. And then it had all ended. He left. Almost without a word or explanation. Looking out from the place I had decorated and made my own I remebered his face, how he smiled, what it looked like when he cried, and when he was angry. Now I see my life in shambles for a man who never cared. He will always have piece of my heart. But never again will he have my life. Never again will he get more than a minute of my time. That man. The man who promised me the world. The man who delivered only to take it all away with out looking back. Now he's promising some one else the world. Only this time he has lost so many friends, he lost respect and loyalty and gained shams and frauds people who don't care. I can't smile at the thought because some where deep down he is a good person. He has a heart. He has a care. Somewhere. I don't know when he lost himself. But I know if he tried he could find every thing he was in me. With me, we could build our lives back up together. And as much as I'd give anything for that. I know I deserve better. I deserve more than a man who will only love me when it suits him. Why should I give him my soul if I can only have a small corner of his heart? How do I deserve that? What happened to all the people I cared about? The people I took care of with out condition? Where's the love I shared with them? How come when I need people the most they are all gone? With out a single word of comfort. I don't need them. I want them. I want to be close to the people I gave my life to. Is that so much to ask? That after all these years I can have some one to stand by me. So I'm not standing alone. But I will. I will not fall. I will stand here and build my life for me. I will do everything I promised myself I would do and I will live as I was meant to. I will wait for some one who will love me. Some one who I can love equally as they do. After breaking my heart, a thing that can never be truly broken I love you. But I will move on and I will move on with out you. If you saw me now you would see my tears you would feel my frustration and my anger. You would remember the good times we shared and you would wonder where all those times had gone. And you would know it was your fault. You alone are the reason they are gone. You would see that I gave everything and yet I still wasn't good enough. You would apologize and try to confort me. You would talk and say all the things you knew I wanted even needed to hear. You would then slowly drift away until again I was standing alone. I lived that cycle too long. I'm finally breaking free. I'm strong enough to make it with out you. I can smile and be happy I can live with out regrets for fear of what you think. I can be my own person. I can finally live! I am free! How are you? Trapt in your own lies. You are standing there surrounded by poeple who would love to see you fall. And though I am not amognst their numbers a fall would do you some good. After everyting I still love you. Finally free of you. Yet... You will always be a part of my story, my life, my heart. After every thing. I still love you. F****r.