Life. Beauty. Art.

In a single instant there has never been a more beautiful art than life.

Warning! As Per Your Request

As per your request here is my disclosure. The content of this page is mainly fictional. Read at your own risk. Most of theses stories are not my own memories but merely the playthings of my imagination. Don't you wish you knew which one's were true? Thanks!
Sincerely The Author

Lend Me Your Eyes

Everyone lives but not everyone is alive. Everyone is searching for something. Everyone loves, dreams, hopes, and dies. Lend me your eyes.


Everything He was Not.

She was the victim of her own kindness. Her own love for every other person is what destroyed her. She couldn't stand to see him hurt or alone, even though she was driven to that very state countless times, all because of him. His inability to show empathy, to even begin to understand is what destroyed a match that seemed to be invincible.
He stood next to where she sat crying, the formal gown just a reminder of all the wonderful empty promises he had made. He looked down on the woman he had driven to tears and he couldn't understand.
He had sworn she was the only one he could ever love. But how many times had she been pushed away to make room for someone else? He would often come back with words of love, and she would let him back, all the while thinking that she was the better person for giving him a chance. Every time he came back he tried to tell her how special she was, how beautiful, how kind. She didn't deserve him, he would say. She would agree silently in her head, never letting him see how truly hurt she was by his betrayals  She couldn't show weakness, she couldn't let him see how truly destroyed she was, but every now and again her mask would crack. She would yell and give him a good what for. She would scream in he own way and tell him everything she had pent up. He would apologize and act like a beat puppy until she apologized for her behaviour. But he never once apologized for his. She could't look at herself in the mirror without wondering what she was worth. She had plenty of people telling her, she was worth the world. But who was she to believe them? The only boy she had given nearly everything to had walked away? Over and over again, never looking back until he realized what he was missing, and then he would come back and leave again after he got a decent fix of feeling loved, of feeling like a normal human being.
The tears rolled down his face as he listened to her sob. He knew it was his fault, he knew there was something he could do. But she wanted him to mean everything he said, and back it up everyday. And to be honest he was just simply not capable of that. He could't guarantee her anything he sad would come true. Except that he was sorry. And she was tired of the apologies, they didn't mean a thing. He never changed, so how could he be sorry. So he left her there. There was no where else to go, and that hurt her most of all. He waited this long to leave her? He took this long to decide it was over? He was finally glad. And it hurt her that she was so happy, she didn't want to give up on him, but somewhere along the way she had given up on herself, and everything she had once prided herself on what had made he a person had fallen away and she had become everything she hated in other people. She had become sick in her soul. And she was broken. She would fix herself because no one else could. But he would never heal, and each scar that he left on her heart would be written across his own as he goes his own way with the only person that ever truly meant anything to him. She was the best damn thing in his life, and he had to walk away or she wouldn't exist at all. Her soul would die, and so would the person he loved and admired, for everything he was not.

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