Life. Beauty. Art.

In a single instant there has never been a more beautiful art than life.

Warning! As Per Your Request

As per your request here is my disclosure. The content of this page is mainly fictional. Read at your own risk. Most of theses stories are not my own memories but merely the playthings of my imagination. Don't you wish you knew which one's were true? Thanks!
Sincerely The Author

Lend Me Your Eyes

Everyone lives but not everyone is alive. Everyone is searching for something. Everyone loves, dreams, hopes, and dies. Lend me your eyes.


Her apartment was in complete disarray but for once her mind was quiet. There were no annoying thoughts that refused to go away, no compulsions, and the stress just seemed to melt away. She was the same person who she had been before. Nothing had truly changed about her, but that is easy to forget. She didn't mind being painted the bad guy. She didn't mind sacrificing, often. But sometimes a girl needs a break. For once she would like someone to try and be the better person.
Shame on you. Don't be selfish. You wouldn't be any different from them. - I'm not any better. - You're right, you like them can be the scum of the earth. The difference is you would rather see the good. You've seen enough evil to fill a few lifetimes, and life for you has only just begun.
Her mind debated back and forth, the scale of this world. Are we good or are we evil? Is it decided with every little move we make? Or is it defined with single actions?
Is it better to forget the one girl who listened to you pour your heart out to? She did you wrong. Of that there is no contest, but is that wrong the entirety of her being, of her soul? Is she so evil? Is it honestly easier to imagine that she had never existed at all rather than she just moved on?
Is it not possible that the cords that touched your souls are not eternally entwined? That you were not meant to take the world on together. That you were never more than a rising step for each other. And you would have never made it with out each other? Are you filled with so much anger that you can't just fondly remember lazy afternoons. Afternoons where you were her world?
Are you to be defined by that anger? I should hope not.

You should know. She sits there smiling at the love you shared and every night before slumber consumes her mind she thinks of you. And she is grateful. She is a better more complete person because she knew you. You offered a light in a world of darkness and made her inspect her own souls reflection. And her love for you never died. She thinks of your anger, and she is filled with regret. How could she have done better? You are a complex mind, yet your final words were filled anger. You fell into the abyss you had once attempted to escape. Eventually you will fade from reality. You will be more than a memory, and less than a thought. The thought of you will have fused with her being. But you won't haunt her anymore. She's no longer afraid. She is everything you loved, and she is her flaws a unique combination, that in time you too will forget. Because it turns out you were never meant to be. Or it would have ended differently. It all works out in the end and everything happens as it ought whether it be right or wrong.
But her? Her mind is finally quiet. She is as she was before only different. She is at peace. She is happy in her own way. Finally feeling complete with out assistance of another. She smiles at the thought of you, and she thinks of you often. You chose to disappear but you will never truly be gone. Not really. She knows her wrongs, but she needed to grow. She wasn't done. She is still learning herself.

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